Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Handmade Luxury!

When I was a little kid, handmade frequently meant "cheap" or at least brought memories of the church bazaar craft show circuit. Not anymore!

Every once in a while, we deserve to see the luxurious side of the handmade coin. So from time to time, I will share some absolutely luxurious handmade treasures, for when we want to spoil ourselves rotten (because we do deserve it!)


  1. Thanks Rachel! We just fell in love with the Mesquite Wood & Rattlesnake Book! How cool!

  2. I like to think of handmade as being synonymous with quality workmanship and quality materials...definitely anti-big box store. Kind thanks for the mention :)

  3. Dear Rachel,

    Thank you for including my book and for apparently recognizing the hard work and craftsmanship that went into making it. It's an honor to be featured with 2 other lovely luxury handmade items!

    I enjoyed being introduced to your blog and your beautiful flamework beads! I whiled away much of the afternoon reading your archives. You are an articulate advocate of handmade art and fine craft!

    Mary Jane
